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Change Makers Micro-grant Program

Round 3 applications are now open!

Three people building a house.

Do you have a community project idea that needs funding?

Are you a passionate young Canadian between the ages of 15-29 with a desire to make a positive impact in your community? The Helping Hands ChangeMakers Micro Grant Program is your chance to turn your ideas into action, create lasting change and contribute to a more inclusive and volunteer-driven Canada. We are distributing 20 micro grants up to $5,000 per project to individuals and groups who have a community project idea in need of funding.

Three people sitting in a circle.

Change Makers Micro-grant Program

  1. Up to $5,000 in funding
  2. Mandatory training sessions and mentorship provided by Helping Hands for youth participants
  3. Youth participants can gain valuable experience, recognition, and long-term connections from this program
Four people looking at a plant.


For small scale ideas that can be implemented by yourself or with a partner. Examples include:
  • Community Garden
  • Youth Art Workshop


For medium scale ideas. You must apply for this grant with a minimum of 2 other team members. Examples include:
  • Local Arts Festival
  • Job Fair


For large scale ideas. You must apply for this grant with a minimum of 2 other teams members. Examples of large scale ideas include:
  • Sporting Event
  • Mental Health Support Programs
For any questions, please email [email protected]


To be eligible for the Micro-Grant Program, applicants must meet the following criteria:
  • Be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada
  • Be between the ages of 15-29 at the time of application
  • Have a NEW project or initiative; we do not fund ongoing projects/businesses
  • Demonstrate a strong passion for addressing a community or social issue
  • Commit to attending three virtual training sessions
  • Commit to participating in 1 in-person youth forum
  • Be willing to incorporate youth volunteers into their project
  • This grant can not be used for starting a business
  • Be sure to fulfill all mandatory requirements
Important Dates and Deadlines
Round 3 Grant writing workshop
March 31st 2025, 5pm
Round 3 application opens
April 7th 2025
June - October
October - February